One-on-one Meetings
Registration for 2025 will open after our first Info Night, Sunday, February 9th. Please email kate@essayscomposed to learn how to reserve a spot with one of our writing specialists.
In addition to college essay workshops, we offer personalized college essay guidance and feedback through one-on-one meetings and online essay review at all stages of the application process. Students can receive individualized instruction and feedback either in-person or over Zoom on:
brainstorming and choosing essay topics
understanding best approaches to all types of application essays
learning best stylistic and structural practices for their writing
revising drafts in progress
learning how to apply essays already written to multiple prompts
Scheduling and fees
There is a $300 deposit to reserve a slot with a composed Writing Specialist through 1:1 meetings. This amount will be applied to both a first meeting – typically 1.25 hours – and initial essay review.
Students who have taken the summer personal statement workshop and would like to continue work with composed Writing Specialists do not need to re-register or submit a deposit for 1:1 work.
Please review the composed Family Contract regarding policies and fees as you consider registering for 1:1 work.
If you would like to work with us one-on-one in 2023, we open registration on March 28. Please email to receive more information.
Online Review
Once a student has begun working with us, they can simply submit their drafts in Google Docs and receive comprehensive feedback within 7 days (and usually much faster than that).
Early drafts of longer essays can take 20 - 40 minutes, but later drafts and shorter pieces (such as UCs) usually take 15 - 20 minutes. (Of course, these are targets: times may vary!)